Hydro-meteorological instruments are the backbone for capturing data related to climate, weather and water in order to assist modeling of hydrological and climatological aspects. Installing spatio-temporally representative hydro-meteorological instruments is very challenging in topographically complex basins like Ethiopia. However, it is important to install instruments that are used for calibrating and validating other alternative sources of data (satellite-derived products) and model outputs. Here data collected by automatic hydro-meteorological instruments, installed in the Upper Tekeze basin, are described and the data is used for visualization and to calculate various relevant parameters (like ETo, ground water levels and discharge)
Practical and Lab Data
Under the "Practical and Lab data" a number of short exercises are presented demonstrating an application making use of the data collected through field instrumentation. Data is collected using the research equipment supplied through the EENSAT project and is used to obtain value added information and data. As most equipment is used by the PhD’s in the program, they have prepared a sample data set demonstrating data collection, data analysis and calculation procedures to obtain required information.
For course developers, note template to be used "EENSAT_Practical_Lab_Data_Template.docx"